Both Trevor and Angie want to empower everyday people to run a marathon and change their lives.
In today's interview, we explore the motivation behind founding the MTA, the difficulties they encountered when preparing for the races, and some suggestions they would like to give to novice runners:
oladance: Hi Trevor, could you give us a quick intro about yourself and MTA?
I am co-owner of MTA and co-host of one of the largest running podcasts. I've completed 19 marathons, one 50k, 21 half marathons, and a Spartan Trifecta.
I love travel, self-employment, craft beer, heavy metal; and am working on running marathons throughout Europe.
oladance: What incentivizes you to start your podcast channel? And why choose podcasts as the major channel to spread your views instead of YouTube or blog article?
We started our podcast in 2010 as a way to inspire and equip people to change their lives through running. Podcasting is the perfect medium for connecting with long-distance runners since they have hours and hours of time to listen!
oladance: Could you tell us more about our other owner of MTA - Angie? We learned from MTA website that in addition to being a runner, she’s also a registered nurse and holds a Bachelor's degree in Science. Do these different identities give her different perceptions of running? How does she manage to balance so many identities?
Yes, Angie is an RN as well as a running coach. Her science and medical background give her a special interest in injury prevention for runners. She quit working in the hospital once we started having kids but keeps her nursing license current.
Angie at the Hartford Marathon
oladance: We noticed that you are also a book lover. Among all the books you have read, which book do you think is a must-read book in one’s life?
The Bible. I've read it from cover to cover about twenty-five times. For the last two years I've been reading a German translation to strengthen my German language skills.
oladance: You have interviewed many excellent runners on your channel, which episode do you think is the most impressive?
We put tons of effort into making every episode impactful. Our listeners is what makes it worth it! Start with Episode 400 Listener Voicemails to see how awesome the running community is.
oladance: What role does music or podcasts play in your runs? Do you think listening to podcasts or music will make your runs more enjoyable and less stressful?
Most runners will tell you that listening to music and podcasts helps the miles go by faster. If you get deep into an enjoyable episode you can just put your legs on autopilot and let your mind run free.
oladance: Do you have a music playlist or list of podcasts to play while you run? Would you mind sharing your playlists with our readers?
I recently discovered drone metal. It tends to be slow, melodic, lyric-rich, and psychedelic. It sounds great through my oladance Open Earbuds!
Check out these albums:
Primitive and Deadly by Earth
Conference of the Birds by Om
The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull by Earth
Advaitic Songs by Om
Pentastar -In the Style of Deamons by Earth
oladance: How do you like the oladance earbuds?
We love them, especially the lack of ear fatigue! They are perfect for those, like Angie and I, who can easily listen to 2 hours of content per day.
oladance: What motivated you to start an academy and could you tell us more about your team?
After seeing the transformative power of marathon training in our own lives we knew we could help others conquer the distance as well. At first Angie was our only coach and she had 50 clients at one time, it became too much. So we started adding other coaches to our team. We currently have 14 kick-ass running coaches.
oladance: During the preparation process, what do you think was the biggest challenge for you and how did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge is making myself workout. I don't naturally love to exercise. I overcame this lethargy by pairing running with other passions -namely exploring nature and travel. For the last four years, I've been running trail marathons in the Alps. This keeps me hungry for more!
oladance: What advice do you have for runners who are just starting their running career?
Remember you have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!